Axioms of Existence without Creator
The notion of creator at the level of existence itself is equivalent to accepting the existence as the starting point. However, we must also accept certain properties for the existence in order to make up for actions that a creator would have caused.
We begin with a few simple axioms that avoid contradictions. After presenting axioms we proceed with the outcome of imagination resulting from these axioms. Ordinarily, one should make scientific derivations that may help us make predictions. However, at this stage I would be happy with a philosophical view that helps me avoid superstition.
Certainly, there will be better views as we move forward. The question is whether we will be there in that future. Religious superstitions and strangled democracies are effective tools in helping a tiny fraction of us exploit everyone else. This tiny fraction is served by, much larger groups at various levels. Some make the laws, others enforce the cruel laws and yet others spy on our intellectuals or eliminate them.
Who will win and at what cost is unknown. It is therefore worth improving our understanding of whatever it is that we are living in. Perhaps some of us and in a faraway galaxy will achieve the balance of happiness in a cooperative social life without giving up our privacy and dignity as an individual.
Two terms will be used in the axioms, Zeus and Zall (Iranian methology), which will be described as we proceed.
Axiom 1. There is Zeus.
This is simply equivalent to saying I think therefore I exist.
Zeus is nothingness.
Axiom 2. Zeus is all there is.
Zeus is unbounded, i.e. has no boundaries, In particular, Zeus has no outside, nor any gaps.
There is nothing beyond Zeus.
Axiom 3. Zeus is simple.
The axiom means that Zeus is not made up of anything. Think of it as the soul of god.
The existence in which we live has to come into being (from nothingness). We can call this (the process of) creation.
Axiom 4. Zeus distorts.
We will describe Zeus' elementary distortions later. We will refer to such a distortions as Zall. We will see that the entire existence is simply made up of Zalls.
We mentioned that Zeus is nothingness. By nothingness we mean lack of existence in which we are living. But we have accepted that, there is Zeus. Here, we are saying that Zeus has a primitive property, that it distorts.
Causality is meaningful in our existence. There must be entities that interact with one another producing cause and effect. Zeus does not need a cause in order to make Zalls. In fact if something caused the generation of a Zall, that something must be outside of Zeus, which violates our second axiom.
This axiom is essentially saying that something (Zall) comes out of nothing (Zeus). Then again, nothingness is relative to our existence (energy, matter etc.).
We now proceed with philosophical imaginative views resulting from these axioms.
There may be several forms of distortions in Zeus. For now we can imagine a distortion that we may call an Inward Compaction, hereafter referred to as IC.
We begin with a few simple axioms that avoid contradictions. After presenting axioms we proceed with the outcome of imagination resulting from these axioms. Ordinarily, one should make scientific derivations that may help us make predictions. However, at this stage I would be happy with a philosophical view that helps me avoid superstition.
Certainly, there will be better views as we move forward. The question is whether we will be there in that future. Religious superstitions and strangled democracies are effective tools in helping a tiny fraction of us exploit everyone else. This tiny fraction is served by, much larger groups at various levels. Some make the laws, others enforce the cruel laws and yet others spy on our intellectuals or eliminate them.
Who will win and at what cost is unknown. It is therefore worth improving our understanding of whatever it is that we are living in. Perhaps some of us and in a faraway galaxy will achieve the balance of happiness in a cooperative social life without giving up our privacy and dignity as an individual.
The Axioms
Two terms will be used in the axioms, Zeus and Zall (Iranian methology), which will be described as we proceed.
Axiom 1. There is Zeus.
This is simply equivalent to saying I think therefore I exist.
Zeus is nothingness.
Axiom 2. Zeus is all there is.
Zeus is unbounded, i.e. has no boundaries, In particular, Zeus has no outside, nor any gaps.
There is nothing beyond Zeus.
The axiom means that Zeus is not made up of anything. Think of it as the soul of god.
The existence in which we live has to come into being (from nothingness). We can call this (the process of) creation.
Axiom 4. Zeus distorts.
We will describe Zeus' elementary distortions later. We will refer to such a distortions as Zall. We will see that the entire existence is simply made up of Zalls.
We mentioned that Zeus is nothingness. By nothingness we mean lack of existence in which we are living. But we have accepted that, there is Zeus. Here, we are saying that Zeus has a primitive property, that it distorts.
Causality is meaningful in our existence. There must be entities that interact with one another producing cause and effect. Zeus does not need a cause in order to make Zalls. In fact if something caused the generation of a Zall, that something must be outside of Zeus, which violates our second axiom.
This axiom is essentially saying that something (Zall) comes out of nothing (Zeus). Then again, nothingness is relative to our existence (energy, matter etc.).
We now proceed with philosophical imaginative views resulting from these axioms.
There may be several forms of distortions in Zeus. For now we can imagine a distortion that we may call an Inward Compaction, hereafter referred to as IC.
Zall Postulate. Zeus only creates infinitesimal distortions, namely Zalls. A Zall is only created, never destroyed.
That is, once Zeus creates a Zall, it remains in existence eternally.
Initially, as Zeus is creating Zalls, some could be created close enough to one another so that their spheres touch. As Zalls become bigger ICs, they will absorb other Zalls being created just outside of their sphere of gravity.
That is, once Zeus creates a Zall, it remains in existence eternally.
A Zall, like any IC, has a sphere around it. An IC, as an inward compaction, is a mathematical point (no dimensions) at the center of a sphere around it. The radius of the sphere indicates the intensity of the IC, to which we refer as the (sphere of) gravity of the IC. The smallest IC is a Zall, the only IC created by Zeus.
Motion Postulate. When spheres of gravity of two ICs touch, they move towards one another.
Energy is an IC made up of Zalls. For instance, X-ray is made of fewer Zalls than the visible light.
Instead of "moving towards one another", we may say, ICs absorb one another.
Joining Postulate. When Zalls absorb one another, they join making a bigger IC.
This postulate basically says that Zalls are not particles like protons and electrons participating in making up an atom, like hydrogen. They join together making an IC with a bigger sphere of gravity, the energy.
When two ICs join becoming one, the radius of the sphere of gravity of new IC is the sum of the radii of the two.
Joining Postulate. When Zalls absorb one another, they join making a bigger IC.
This postulate basically says that Zalls are not particles like protons and electrons participating in making up an atom, like hydrogen. They join together making an IC with a bigger sphere of gravity, the energy.
When two ICs join becoming one, the radius of the sphere of gravity of new IC is the sum of the radii of the two.
Initially, as Zeus is creating Zalls, some could be created close enough to one another so that their spheres touch. As Zalls become bigger ICs, they will absorb other Zalls being created just outside of their sphere of gravity.
ICs range from infinitesimal to infinitely large. Regardless of the size of its sphere of gravity, an IC is a mathematical point without physical dimensions, at center of its sphere of gravity.
Black Hole
It is only logical to assume that an IC continues to grow, i.e. it absorbs smaller ICs whose sphere of gravity touch its sphere of gravity, thereby enlarging its sphere. As its sphere enlarges it will touch the spheres of ICs in its vicinity, and continue to grow, either by absorbing or by being absorbed. So, the only possible thing that can happen is the creation of a black hole.
A black hole is an IC with an event horizon. A black hole has two spheres, the inner sphere is called its event horizon, and the outer sphere is the extent of its gravity.
We walk on a sphere called earth. Then, there is the sphere of earth's gravity. Now, for a moment imagine all Zalls constituting all the energy of which earth is made up, suddenly joining at center of earth. Then earth becomes the event horizon on which we cannot walk anymore. Because of joining of all Zalls, its sphere of gravity will probably be much bigger.
The final Axiom
Axiom of Separation. Zeus does not create Zalls within a sphere of gravity.
The simplest interpretation is that once an IC is created, from a Zall to a black hole, it is separated from Zeus, while inside of Zeus. For a universe, in however manner it is created, this axiom says that, energy is nether created nor destroyed. That is, a universe is a separate entity with its own physical laws.
The most logical view of how a universe is created is the collision of huge black holes. From Zeus we only get black holes, not universes. The collision of black holes breaks them into a lot of smaller black holes, and tiny ICs that are caught within their sphere of gravity. These are the galaxies. Within galaxies, tiny black holes gather the debris into a star. The most important matter created at this point is a hydrogen atom. How and why I do not know. But I doubt suddenly the atom of iron is created.
Creation of Atoms
Whether there is a tiny black hole at center of a star or not does not change our observations. At a big bang it is unlikely that a lot of atoms other than hydrogen are created. The rest of the atoms are created in a star. When enough of heavier atoms in a star come together, at some point the mass is thrown out via a solar flare. It seems like our sun can only throw molten rocks anymore. But many years ago it must have been able to hold unto the mass until it reached the size of a planet before throwing it away.
We will continue to find answers about what exists. However, one question will always remain: How did existence come to be? This article is an attempt to explain that avoiding the vicious circle. As soon as we assume a creator for the existence we fall into the vicious circle. This article replaces the notion of creator (for existence) with distortions within nothingness.
According to the view portrayed in this article, there must be many universes. It is possible that universes barely touch one another as they pass by. However, the tiny area of their touch could contain a large set of galaxies, and some may be exchanged. That is, galaxies could change their universe, moving from one to the other.
Labels: Black Hole, Energy, existence, Matter, Universe
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