Wednesday, June 03, 2009

In search of nature of matter

Looking for something that does not exist is a none-terminating process. The problem with the theory of matter is that it must exist as an individual particle. The particle may be as small as photon, or even the building block of photon. Nonetheless, the assumption that it does exist implies the existence of an entity, if not several kinds of entities.

There are a few issues associated with this assumption. First, how much, or how many of those particles exist, and why so many? Second, such a particle must be indivisible because it cannot be made of other forms of simpler particles. But how can something exist without being made of simpler entities? Note that there is a big difference between abstractions at a certain level, and the reality. We can start with the existence of matter, and retain all our theory even though the matter as we assume may not exist at all.

In mathematics, we can start with the empty set, and build the rest of mathematical notions. However, we must have a few rules, such as a set can contain elements. What is fascinating, though, is the fact that the entire collection of mathematical notions springs off of the empty set. The reason for this should be obvious. A notion that has parts must be defined in terms of simpler notions. The empty set has no parts, just as Euclid thought about a geometrical point.

The assumption of existence of smallest particle results in infinite recursion. The next question will then be, what is the smallest particle itself made of? The only way to end the infinite recursion is to come up with something similar to the empty set in mathematics. In the beginning there was only the existence. The existence has laws (properties, characteristics).

The simplest law that one can imagine is a distortion in existence. By that I mean, tiny areas of existence becoming denser than their surroundings. Obviously the term dense is not an accurate description because it implies the existence of matter. But I do not have a better term. Think of it as being stretched inwards. Imagine an area of existence, call it space where there seems to be nothing, and suddenly a number of infinitely small distortions appear like blinking stars. However, suddenly is an extremely relative term. The appearance of a distortion may take millions of years, and equal number of years for it to disappear.

What seems reasonable is to assume that each distortion surrounds itself with something similar to a black hole. Thus, two nearby distortions will attract one another in the same manner as two black holes would. But how can a part of existence break off and start moving? Does a black hole really move? If parts of existence move, what is the area between moving parts? After all, absolute lack of existence is incomprehensible. It seems more reasonable to assume that distortions, including black holes, move in a manner similar to sound waves.

There is no paradox in assuming only wave motions even when we see a car passing by. It does not take a lot of imagination to envisage a car move the same way, as a tiny distortion does, like waves in water. In particular, there is no paradox when we see an arrow pierce its target. Furthermore, it does not conflict with visible light and other forms of photons being thrown around with a certain rhythm.

In this view, there is no distinction between a tiny distortion that makes up a photon, and the largest black hole. A distortion is a property of existence and is probably of the same size in diameter, regardless. However, the surrounding perimeter of a distortion depends on its density (inward stretch). It is that density that appears as mass to us.

We will postpone a discussion of bipolar distortions, like magnetic fields, to another article. The distortion discussed in this note is related to what we understand as gravity. It is the sense of gravity that gives birth to the feeling of mass. However, our perception is generally not an accurate portray of reality. It was not too long ago that we thought Atlas was holding the flat earth on his shoulders.


It took me a while to fruit, long after all the farmers that took care of me have been gone. I have a feeling they knew the outcome all too well. They had no expectation from my prosperity. They only meant that I fulfill my destiny by fighting my way through fate’s path of dirty tricks. They knew without fate’s treachery I would have wasted the energy they poured into me for seeking a short moment of comfort, known as lifetime.

In the desert of life I came across a few oases. Each time Bushes dried out the Trees, even those that I had planted. I wish to retreat to wilderness where everyone’s descendants have equal fate. Where the sons of smugglers do not enslave the sons of scientists by the very same means invented by their parents. Where one’s destiny is determined by fate alone, and not by the laws set by criminals of humanity.

End digression

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